Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 22: Pueblo to Lamar -- Trading "Purple Mountains Majesty" for the "Fruited Plain"

Pictures are here.
Miles Today: 124
Total Miles: 1619
Avg Speed: 17.8
Max Speed: 32
Total Time: 6:57
Flats Today: 0; Total flats so far: 8
Weather: Nice in the morning with little wind. Warming to 95 or more in the afternoon with 15 mph wind varying between 1:00 and 5:00 off our right side (wind from South)
Altitude change: Drop from 4900 to 3900 feet over the course of the day.
Body condition: tired after long day of riding.
With 120+ miles ahead of us and a day of rest behind us; 2 new folks joining us (Joe and Rose are a very nice brother & sister combo from around Norfolk OH) and 12 folks leaving us; the mountains a wonderful memory and the great plains a soon to be experienced reality we were definitely entering the next phase of this adventure. Gerard had noted at supper a couple of nights ago that this is when folks can tend to get grumpy. It's Kansas where the shine wears off and the grind begins. The novelty is fading rapidly, the scenery can't carry you along and the relationships can go from forming to storming.
I had had pretty much of a do-nothing day wanting to get all in order in again. Like doing the wash, cleaning the rear sprocket and chain on the bike and catching up on blog and pictures. Having done that, I did very little else besides relax, watch some Wimbledon and catch up a little on sleep. I also discovered that I did not have my trusty windbreaker that can be converted to a vest. Wear that all the time as you can tell in the pictures. I had dropped it in the drop box at SAG stop 1 and when I went to the lobby the next day (yesterday) to get it, it was gone and has not showed up since. After some sluething and asking and reviewing pictures to verify when I wore it last, I came to the conclusion that it either got blown out of the drop box by the 40+ mph winds that kicked up at SAG2 OR, someone helped themselves to it from drop box between 4:00 pm Thursday and 10:00 am Friday. I loved that very versatile jacket and will have to replace it with a windbreaker of some sort somewhere along the line. No rush since I don't expect riding temps under 60 for quite some time and if it rains, it will likely be warm.

Load this morning was at 5:45 and breakfast at 6:00. That was as early as this day could begin. We rolled out through a very quiet Sunday morning Pueblo and were soon rolling along in a pace line just under 20. The mountains faded fast and the road led us into the flat of the plains. We added some to the line along the way and some dropped off. When we got to SAG 2 Leigh's front tire had a nasty bulge growing out the side and she had to dip into her spare tire for Gerard to fix that one. 50 yards out of the rest stop, her rear tire flatted and she walked back to get Gerard to fix that one and waved us on. So the 4 of us worked together to move us along to SAG2 and then to the DQ in Las Animas where we chilled out and I got to call home to catch up with everyone enjoying Marcia's Sunday dinner. Really enjoyed that.

When we went to leave, Jack discovered he had flatted and it took him 2 attempts (exploded the first tube with CO2 cartridge before Judy showed up in the van with a real pump.) A nmber of riders passed by during this little 45 minute hiatus including Leigh on her aero bars meaning business. I thought the DQ would be the siren that pulled her in, but she was on a mission to get done.

Not far down Rt. 50 beyond the DQ we came upon Joy who was running across the USA with 30 miles per day, and planning for 120 days from LA to NYC. She was doing it to raise funds and awareness for heart disease cure and prevention.
After a third SAG stop and some more photo stops, we had dawdled our way to a close to a 4:00 arrival time. Longest day in every way and one that sucked the fluid and energy out of all of us. Dinner was somewhat subdued in view of the day behind us and the one ahead of us tomorrow -- another century in the heat as we leave Colorado and mountain time for Kansas and central time. We will then be only one hour behind everyone back home.

1 comment:

  1. Thot you LIKED the smell of cow manure??? Or did you say that just to impress your country girl?:)
    Nice looking motorcycle---reminds me that Josh and Cara Def. got themselves a touring cycle for their 3rd(?) anniversary---something to drool over.... The kids enjoyed your call today---nice that they keep in touch by reading your blog...we had a good time at lunch---lots of laughs per usual (half of the jokes I don't quite hear, but I laugh anyway---it's good for me!) Cooled off this evening with a nice breeze---and yes, I remembered to take the garbage can out---tomorrow it GOES!!! Glad we got a chance to talk tonight--our daily connection is important to me:) Sleep well, and Love you muchly! P.S. GReat last pic
