Miles: 59
Total Miles: 3975
Time: 4:00
Average: 14.6
Max 34.5
Flats Today: 0; Total flats:9
Climbing: Pretty flat and down to sea level.
Weather: Sunny, warm, and gorgeous beach weather.
Climbing: Pretty flat and down to sea level.
Weather: Sunny, warm, and gorgeous beach weather.
Tuesday's final ride capped 7 plus weeks of this grand adventure. An absolutely picture perfect
When we rolled in at 11:47 the rest of the gang was already assembled under and in the sprawling branches of a large tree for our final group picture. The troopers were there with their cruisers to lead us down the last 3 miles to the beach. Our spirits soared at the prospect of soon sighting the Atlantic. After the picture posing was past, we rolled out in 4 columns and made our way to the Atlantic and then along the coast to Wallis State Park. The public beach was crowded with sun bathers while the spot where we arrived was crowded with riders' friends and families sporting signs and cheering to welcome us in. The beach was soon the scene of handshakes, hugs, champagne, tires being dipped, poses for pictures, jersey's shed to leap into the surf, shouts of congratulation and words of appreciation.
As the excitement subsided, Marcia and I began to make our way to the Portsmouth motel where I showered, changed, and bade final farewells before we headed south to Canterbury CT to spend the night at Marcia's brother Steve's home. I told Marcia I would plan to leave at 7:00 and ride about 70 miles west and she could then pick me up on our way to Harrisburg PA where her sister Andrea lives. Thankfully she would have none of that! We had a quiet evening at Andrea and Jerry's home, though I faded completely before 9:00. I think the past 52 days have caught up with me!
I would like to wrap all of this up by sharing some final thoughts.
I feel immensely grateful to have had the health, the time and the means to do this trip. There are many who would like to but few who can make it happen. I had tears of gratitude the first few mornings of this trip and they returned as I reflected on it the last few days. My brother Pete would LOVE to do this trip, but he cannot. Chris Ray, who I met in Colorado would love to do it as well be cannot. I don't know why I should be able to, but I am very GRATEFUL to God that I could.
I am very grateful to Marcia who encouraged me to do it, who sacrificed so I could and who made the trip out to pick me up and share in this with me. Thanks sweetie!
The experience of this trip exceeded my expectations in almost every way. I loved seeing the US at 15 miles an hour. I loved the great variety of scenery we passed. I'd never seen Lake Tahoe and the Sierra's so I would say that was my favorite part. The mountains and the water were breath-taking. But I also loved the rugged Nevada desert, the endless fields of corn through most of 7 successive states, the big western sky, the tight New England hills and streams, the vast west Kansas plains and the broad-shouldered Rocky Mountains with those long 6% climbs. I loved riding in double pace lines along I80, cranking for an hour or more to the top of Mt. Rose or shooting down the back of Monarch feeling mildly out of control for most of the descent. I loved that tail wind in Kansas that made 20 mph seem easy and 25 doable if you wanted to work for it. I loved riding along at a social pace, conversing comfortably with so many of my fellow travelers or riding in a double pace line with conversation snippets for a minute or two between Chuck's shouts to "rotate" or sometimes hammering so hard with a few others that winded grunts were all the conversation there was. I loved chatting with locals about where they lived or what we were doing. In short, it was much much more about the traveling than the terminus. The accomplishment of riding across the US on a bike may be what first jumps out to others, but the memories of the journey and those with whom I made it are what will remain with me.
I am grateful that two guys with whom I really connected early in the trip, rejoined the tour for the last couple of weeks.
Another point of gratitude is for the wonderful Ohio riding I have right here in my back yard. We have smooth roads, low traffic and flat terrain when we go west of Columbus. We have rolling terrain to the southeast of us and all the hills we want if we go further southeast. We have many many roads to choose from in every direction. Along the way there are small towns with little stores and delis and dairy queens and subways and local festivals . And if we wish, we probably have a greater network of bike trails to choose from than most other states. All in all, Ohio riding is pretty special.
I am grateful that I was able to check out of a very full life for a while. I greatly enjoyed the focus that simply riding each day brought. I never dreaded getting on the bike in the morning and my enjoyment of riding was enhanced, if anything as a result of riding each day.
Thanks to each one who followed along with me on this journey through the blogs and pictures. May God richly bless you and encourage you in mountain tops He allows you to climb as well as in the valleys He leads you through. May we each seek Him on of our journeys.