Pictures are here.
Miles: 75
Total Miles: 2923
Time: 4:10
Average: 18.0
Max 28.5
Flats Today: 0; Total flats:8
Climbing: Flat with a few very mild rises and drops throught the day.
Weather: Oercast and threatening to rain which it finally did about 2 minutes after I arrived at the motel.
Friday's CUE SHEET follows at the end of this blog.
Yesterday evening was delightful at Jay and Jean Butler's. Jay finished his XCoutnry with the SF to SLC leg this summer and his son Brad accompanied him. The Butlers had the whole gang over for dinner last night on our off day to their very attractive home. The pork loin, potato salad, beans and home made bread were absolutely fabulous. We've had some great meals so far (Lovelock fried chicken, Buffet at the Nevada-Utah border) but this one easily made the top of my list so far. Three healthy servings of everything were testament to what I thought of the food -- and that was after an idle day!
After dinner, Hans included us all in his brithday celebration by providing a Swiss flag decorated cake and champagne. He gave lengthy toast or a short speech depending on how one categorizes this. Whatever it was, is was vintage Hans. The English with accent forces focus, the smile makes the words shine and the gracious, humble delivery makes it easy to receive. Happy 50th, Hans! Gerard's observation when Hans had finished was, "They're SO cute at that age." Funny.
THis morning rolled around rather fast after a late night last night trying to use mapmyride to et in the ride notes for tomorrow's Richmond to Marysville route. (Mapmyride would not let me save the work I had done inputting. Frustrating!)
I started ahead of the group because I did not have to wait to load my bags into the trailer -- Marcia was bringing them for me to Richmond. After a brief pit stop on the outskirts of Indy, Tom adn Sean rolled by me. I managed to catch up with them and the three of us worked a fast pace to SAG 1 about 40 miles out. I sort of went with their 3 minutes in the pits approach, but was a little late getting going and then did not feel like chasing them down and so just kept them in sight the next 25 miles or so. Once we got to Richmond, I stayed on US 40 all the wya to the Holiday Inn while they took the cued route a little south of the Highway. Consequently I beat them in by about 30 seconds and all 3 of us beat the rain by about a minute. Short fast day.
OK -- Here are the ride notes for Friday: Marysville to Wooster
If you let me know that you are riding, I can have hardcopy ride notes for you when I meet you.
Super 8,16510 Square Drive, Marysville, OH 43040
937-644-8821 FAX 937-644-8821
0.0 0.0 L Out of Motel
0.2 0.2 L Rte. 36 (E)
1.8 2.0 L Mackan Rd. (N)
1.3 3.3 R County Home Rd. (E) (T)
0.8 4.1 L White Stone Rd. (T)
0.4 4.5 R Black Rd. (E)
1.4 5.9 L Springdale Rd. (N) (T)
0.1 6.0 R Leeper Perkins Rd. (E)
1.2 7.2 ST Fontanelle (E)
1.7 8.9 L Ostrander (NE) (STOP)
0.3 9.2 R Ostrander goes R at Y Carr goes left)
3.0 12.2 ST Warrensburg Rd. (N) (Cross Bridge)
0.1 12.3 L Warrensburg Rd. (E)
3.5 15.8 R SR 37 (SE) (LIGHT) (T) Delaware - BUSY
3.6 19.4 L Join Rt. 36 (LIGHT) BUSY (Stay left after light for quick left on Bowtown)
0.0 19.4 L Bowtown Rd.
3.1 22.5 L Bowtown Rd. (T)
0.4 22.9 R Bowtown Rd.
2.3 25.2 L N. Old State Rd. (T)
3.1 28.3 ST Worthington New Haven Rd. (NE) Morrow County #24
4.8 33.1 R SR 229 (E) (P/U Cardinal Trail) SAG Stop on R @ Old Closed Store
2.8 35.9 Marengo Line
0.2 36.1 L Rt. 229 to the left. (STOP)
0.1 36.2 R Rt. 229 to the right (stop)
6.2 42.4 L Morrow County #19 Opposite Rte. 656 sign Leave Rt. 229
3.8 46.2 ST Sparta Rd. (NE) SR 656 Becomes Columbus Rd.
5.5 51.7 ST CAUTION: crossing 4 lane hwy (Rt 13)
0.7 52.4 L S. Main St. (Lunch) Fredericktown
0.3 52.7 ST SR95 East - Mishey Rd. Becomes Ankenytown Rd.
0.3 53.0 R Stay on SR 95 Caution: RR Tracks
1.1 54.1 ST SR 95e and CT. (N) Do not turn left on Bicycle Rt. 7. Follow Ankenytown Rd.
8.7 62.8 ST Elm St. cross SR 97
0.2 63.0 L Grant St. SR 95 (STOP) (T)
1.8 64.8 R Butler - Newville (E)
1.5 66.3 L Bunker Hil N. Rd. (T)
0.9 67.2 R SR 95 (E) (STOP)
1.2 68.4 L SR 603
7.0 75.4 SAG STOP on L @ Charles River Park w/Facilities
2.8 78.2 R CR 30-A (E) Mifflin Main St. (STOP)
5.4 83.6 ST Hayesville (Main St.) (LIGHT) (FOOD)
0.7 84.3 R Stay to R at Y (Rt. 179 S. Leave the Cardinal Trail).
0.3 84.6 L At Y on CR 2000
1.1 85.7 L CR 2175 (T)
0.1 85.8 R CR 2000.
2.0 87.8 ST Stay on CR 20000 Cross SR 89.
0.5 88.3 L At Y on Twp Rd. 1990 (rough surface)
0.9 89.2 L CR 175 (T)
0.5 89.7 R CR 1950
1.5 91.2 ST Garst Rd. (Co. #18 becomes Angling Rd. Still Co #18)
6.0 97.2 R Jefferson Rd. (Co #157) (T)
0.9 98.1 L Heyl (WCO #139)
1.5 99.6 R-L Heyl (WCO #139)
1.6 101.2 L Rt. 3 - BUSY
1.3 102.5 R Liberty St. (LIGHT)
0.5 103.0 R/R S. Bever Street )Light) into Motel
(Best Western 243 East Liberty St. Wooster, OH)
I'm so glad you beat the rain! We're looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. hope you're having fun with Mom!